
技术编号:18792007 阅读:31 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-29 10:25

Eyepiece optical system and head display device for near eye display

Eyepiece optical system and head display device for near eye display. The eyepiece optical system consists of a first lens (L1), a reflecting unit (P), a second lens (L2) and a third lens group (G3); the optical axis of the second lens and a third lens group is coaxial and perpendicular to the micro image display (I); the optical axis of the second lens and a third lens group is coaxial with the optical axis of the first lens after reflection by the reflecting unit; and the third transmission. The lens group includes at least a third lens (L3); the second lens and the third lens are optical aspheric; the first lens is the only lens set between the reflecting unit and the human eye observation side; the optical surface (I) of the first lens near the human eye observation side is convex to the human eye observation direction; and the second lens is optical near the micro image display side. The surface (6) is concave toward the direction of the miniature image display, and the third lens is a double convex lens. This eyepiece optical system has the advantages of compact structure, small size and high optical resolution, which can make the head-mounted display device achieve the best visual experience.





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