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技术编号:18150318 阅读:22 留言:0更新日期:2018-06-09 02:14

New smooth belt buckle

The invention is a new type of smooth belt buckle, which overcomes the shortage of traditional belt buckle technology. By changing the structure of the main plate with buckle, using the balance force of bilateral paddies, increasing a padlock structure, changing the connection force in series, simplifying the connection between the buckle and the belt, convenient for disassembly and replacement, and a multiple belt, convenient for user to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient for users to use; and also convenient users use; also convenient users use; also convenient user use; also convenient user use; also square Processing enterprises, saving materials, reducing costs, environmental protection and so on. The main features are that the buckle and the belt are connected to a group of lock buckles to make the locking buckle force, change the force character of the lock, and design the two lock buckles of the two lock spacing equal to the distance of the belt lock hole to disperse the belt lock hole, reduce the force of the belt and improve the use life of the belt, and facilitate the knot solution and the narrow middle of the main plate. It is convenient for hand holding, symmetrical and beautiful. The inner curve of the main board is suitable for the radian of human body, and the tail is provided with a guard ring. The invention has the advantages of simple structure, simple operation, easy loading and unloading, and economical and applicable cost, which is convenient for users, and also helps enterprises to reduce costs, save energy and protect environment.





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