
技术编号:16936170 阅读:14 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 06:45

The device and method of two-way transmission of data at end to end in WLAN

The invention provides an end to end bidirectional data transmission device and method for wireless local area network WLAN, so as to avoid communication conflicts between the two sides of the communication side during the end to end two-way data transmission. The method of the invention includes: the first site to determine the first station and the second station end to end the main site two-way data transmission process; data access from the access point for the main station and the second station data transmission resources, and the resources are divided into the first resource and second resources, the first resource for data transfer data to the second site second, resources for the second site to the main site of data transmission; data send a notification message to the second sites, second sites receiving notification message to inform the master point transmission on the first resource and data transmission to the main site in second resource data.





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