
技术编号:16935794 阅读:20 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 06:19

A method and equipment for network service instantiation

The embodiment of the invention provides a method and device for instantiation of network business, so as to solve the problem that existing VNF technology can not serve other NS but also meet the demand of NS. The method includes: a first device receives the instantiation sent second equipment network NS service request; among them, the instantiation of NS request for the NS instantiation process indicates that the first instantiation of equipment; the NS request includes a modified information modification for at least one virtual network function of the VNF instance; the first device is the NS management entity instantiation, the second device is initiated by the NS entity instantiation, the at least one VNF instance is created by the NS required, and network architecture in the VNF instance at least one; the first device to modify the information for at least one a VNF example of the modification according to the.





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