
技术编号:16303226 阅读:48 留言:0更新日期:2017-09-26 21:31


A container (100), including a light source (22) and cavity (10), which also includes: the control unit and is arranged in the cavity (10) is easy to grasp the position of the touch panel (30), the control module electrically connecting the light source (22) and (30), touch panel control components according to the touch board (30) outside the touch sensing signal to control the light source (22) emitting. The container (100) using the touch panel (30) as the induction switch, the user in the hand contact to the container (100) side after the control module which lights light source (22) light, the user's finger from the container (100) took control after the light source (22) out of control components. As a result, the light and extinction of the container (100) can be accomplished simultaneously when the user picks up or puts down the container (100) without requiring the user to do additional switching actions so as to enhance the user experience of the container (100). In addition, the user can adjust the brightness and color change of the container (100) by finger sliding so as to make the user experience better.





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