
技术编号:15264718 阅读:141 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-03 22:38
含钨镍加氢催化剂是化工中的重要原材料。含钨镍加氢催化剂生产工艺流程为:氧化铝粉与水、试剂硝酸、柠檬酸、田菁粉等按照特定的比例充分混合并捏熟后,进入挤条机,挤出成具有一定外径和形状的湿条。湿条进入干燥带或干燥箱, 在120~150℃温度下干燥,去除表面水后得到干条。(硝酸在负压状态下,加入酸液罐中,再用泵输送到厂房的酸液计量罐中,通过计量罐加入到配制罐中进行调配)。干条经过整形机整形后, 用给料机均匀输送到焙烧窑,在550~850℃高温环境下焙烧2小时以上,得到具有一定孔结构和催化活性的r-Al2O3载体。

Process for producing catalyst containing tungsten nickel hydrogenation

Hydrogenation catalyst containing tungsten and nickel is an important raw material in chemical industry. The production process for tungsten nickel hydrogenation catalyst containing alumina powder with water and reagent: nitric acid, citric acid, Sesbania powder according to certain proportion mix and knead cooked into the extruder, extruding into a certain diameter and shape of the wet. A dry or wet drying box, at 120 to 150 DEG dry, dry bar removal of surface water. Under the condition of negative pressure, the nitric acid is added into the acid tank, and then the pump is delivered to the acid metering tank of the plant, and is added to the preparation tank through a metering tank for distribution. Dry after shaping machine shaping, with feeder uniform delivery to the roasting kiln, at 550 to 850 DEG C high temperature roasting for more than 2 hours, r-Al2O3 carrier has certain pore structure and catalytic activity.





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