
技术编号:1464697 阅读:279 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Glass frosting machine

The invention discloses a glass frosting machine, including frosting operation table and frosting liquid supply system in frosting operation desk is provided with a fixed position or can slide to and fro the fabric structure, fabric structure is provided with a flat glass across the entire width of the cloth, cloth inside head set frosting liquid extension along the entire length of the temporary storage chamber, the frosting fluid storage chamber is provided with a feed inlet, frosting liquid supply system through the pipeline is connected with the feed inlet, the cloth head is also provided extending along the length of the cloth, the cloth at the mouth of the cloth head discharging direction of the side wall of the upper side or top, mouth cloth on the frosting fluid storage chamber. Compared with the existing technology of single plate glass frosting machine, high degree of mechanization, the entire glass frosting machine production efficiency will be greatly improved, the product quality is more stable; in addition, the present invention through the fabric structure equipped with a variety of different lengths, but also completely suitable for mass production of frosting glass.





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