
技术编号:9623285 阅读:303 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 13:50

Cutter for sugarcane paring machine

The tool of the utility model relates to an automatic sugarcane peeling machine, in order to solve the human plane sugarcane skin unsafe and low efficiency, and the power device used in complex structure, tool vulnerability, sugarcane skin to clean up the problem, including the knife seat, which is characterized in that the knife seat is provided with a ring axial section through hole, the circumference along the radial section of the ring is provided with a plurality of radial adjusting seat hole ring axial through holes are arranged in a plurality of curved blade, curved blade is provided with a chip guiding arc, arc blade is arranged on the adjusting rod seat into the hole in the spring. It is easy to cut into the epidermis of sugarcane, and to clean it. The sugarcane peel is reasonable and the peeling efficiency is high.





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