
技术编号:9619067 阅读:161 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 07:09

Five stringed lute with dragon head and fifth strings

With a dragon head of the piano and special fifth string five string pipa, including the head of the piano, piano, neck, abdomen, and five strings and five piano piano chord axis, one end of each shaft respectively and the corresponding phase and the other end is connected with the abdominal organ is arranged on the palm complex connection, the head of the piano is used for metal mechanical shaft with fifth string bolt, the metal mechanical shaft through the linkage gear shaft is connected with fifth strings. The invention adopts a metal mechanical shaft is arranged on the head of the piano, and the metal mechanical shaft through the linkage gear shaft is connected with fifth organ structure, through the structure of the fifth string winding is fixed on the metal shaft, not only beautiful, but also easy, fast and accurate tuning, and the invention of the tone and the sound quality have been significantly improved, the range has been widened, playing the rich expression, application of fingering more variable, both solo and ensemble, ensemble, ensemble and accompaniment, can be widely used, which can be more flexible to meet the needs of different music.

,特别是涉及一种带盘龙琴首和特制第五弦的五弦琵FctI O
【专利技术者】方锦龙, 张丽娜 申请人:广州方锦龙文化传播有限公司




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