
技术编号:9608707 阅读:103 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-23 10:01

Undervoltage release

Undervoltage tripping device in the utility model, and the measured voltage line connecting the anti-interference circuit and anti-interference circuit connected with the rectifier circuit, the output of the rectification circuit is respectively connected with the sampling circuit, power supply circuit and electromagnet, output sampling circuit, power supply circuit are respectively connected with the controller, the output control of the electromagnet controller, the electromagnet solenoid electromagnet; the controller circuit is connected with the solenoid coil electromagnet drive through the coil, the coil current in the coil of the drive control circuit, thereby driving the attraction and separation of the armature. The undervoltage tripping device using the solenoid magnet, the air gap in the middle of all the excitation coil, big suction, effectively avoids the common problem of electromagnet suction; the coil drive circuit can improve the reliability of the electromagnet, effectively avoids the stability and reliability of the control circuit is not high.





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