
技术编号:9608500 阅读:242 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-23 09:43

A high safety lithium battery

The utility model discloses a lithium battery with high safety, without affecting the single package lithium battery film and chemical properties under the condition of a lithium battery of high lithium battery can solve the external needle or lithium battery internal short-circuit well and reduce the internal lithium battery and battery safety problems of heat deformation the. Including a lithium battery body, a lithium battery body comprises a plurality of single lithium battery package, this package with several single lithium battery plate are connected together in series in the connecting line of two adjacent layers of single package lithium battery plates are respectively connected in series with a circuit breaker; in a single package of lithium battery film on the outside surface of the package is a heat sealing in the cloth layer, heat sealing cloth layer on the outer surface of the package has a protective mesh layer, and each cell in the protection of mesh layer hermetically arranged in the main body in the protection glue; mesh layer on the outer surface of the package and a protective net layer, in another protection layer in each mesh network equipped with auxiliary sealing glue. The utility model is mainly used in the lithium battery technology.





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