
技术编号:8928464 阅读:144 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-16 00:06

External ear canal machine for battery

The utility model relates to an ear canal machine, which belongs to a miniature sound amplifying device. The utility model relates to a battery external ear canal machine, which comprises a machine body, a connecting piece and a battery component arranged outside the machine body. Among them, the battery components include battery shell, battery compartment cover and battery; the battery chamber in the battery shell and the battery compartment cover chamber formed in the containing space of the battery bin is provided with a battery containing chamber; the battery chamber shell is provided with a first pin, battery spring and the second pin; the battery compartment cover is buckled on the front end of the battery compartment cover, a first fixed pin as the battery compartment cover tail and a battery compartment of the housing; the second pin is used as a fixing piece of battery shell and battery; the battery compartment can be around second pin rotating a certain angle to facilitate add and remove the battery. The utility model is applied to the outside of the battery bin in the ear canal machine, so as to reduce the volume of the machine body.





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