
技术编号:8928461 阅读:445 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-16 00:06

Wireless earphone system with multi sound source input

The utility model relates to a multi input wireless headset system, including the host machine and headset, wireless power receiving device, sequentially connected audio analysis processor, intelligent gain amplifier and receiver comprising the headset machine, the host including Mike wind, signal processor, wireless transmitting device are electrically connected to the wireless. Wireless transmitting device and the receiving device adapter, the microphone output end is electrically connected with a memory memory is electrically connected with the output end of the signal processor, the signal processor is electrically connected with the input end of external audio input interface. The utility model is provided with an external audio input interface, so that the hearing aid can accept audio input, the processing function of hearing aids can be expanded; hearing aid and recorder function existing to be integrated, the processing function of hearing aids can be expanded, in addition to have a hearing aid function outside of the recording, repeat function, use more convenient.





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