
技术编号:8928410 阅读:139 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-16 00:05

Dynamic filtering sound device

The utility model discloses a dynamic filtering sound device, which mainly solves the problems of complicated structure and high cost existing in the prior art in order to reduce the noise of the audio device. The pronunciation of a dynamic filtering device, including a non inverting input terminal is connected with the operational amplifier T1 resistor R1 and capacitor C1, C4 capacitor connected to the inverting input end of the operational amplifier T1, a resistor R2 and a resistor R3 input and output terminals are respectively connected to the capacitor of the C4 are connected between the output terminal and the inverting input in the operational amplifier of the T1 resistor R5, an inductor L2 and a capacitor C3, a capacitor C3 in parallel with the capacitor C9, a resistor R11 and a capacitor C10, inductance L1 between the input end is connected to the capacitor C9 and the capacitor C10, inductance L1 is connected with the audio amplifying circuit. The utility model has the advantages of good anti-interference ability and low cost, and has high practical value and popularization value.





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