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技术编号:8928407 阅读:166 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-16 00:04

Call sound attached to automobile steering wheel

The utility model relates to an audio disc attached to call the car on the direction, including the speaker, microphone, Bluetooth devices, answering the hanging broken bond connecting the mobile phone and the integrated circuit board, integrated circuit board is connected with the speaker, microphone, answer keys and Bluetooth device, the audio is fixed on the call the automobile steering wheel and does not affect the main function, the central steering wheel is provided with a cavity, the cavity is buckled on the upper cover, integrated circuit board, the speaker and microphone located in the cavity, answer keys are arranged on the upper cover. So, the answer keys turn a key or hang up the phone has the advantages of convenient operation, in the process of moving vehicles, call sound at the top of the steering wheel is always below the relative position and call people had no obvious change, which is convenient for the caller call sound answer or hang up the operation, but also have no impact on the call quality, more safe and reliable, convenient and practical.





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