
技术编号:8928282 阅读:128 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-16 00:01

Video receiver

The utility model provides a video receiver, including the MHL-HDMI MHL-HDMI adapter, adapter includes MHL/HDMI multiplexing interface and HDMI interface, MHL/HDMI interface, power supply port multiplexing port and HDMI interface connection; also includes a power supply module for power supply port HDMI interface, power supply module includes a rechargeable battery; the boost circuit is respectively connected with the port power rechargeable battery and HDMI interface, for charging battery output voltage conversion standard voltage as the power supply port HDMI interface; the current detection circuit, current detection for the size of the output of the boost circuit, and output control information; switching circuit is respectively connected with the rechargeable battery, boost circuit and current detection circuit, according to the the control information of closing and opening of the battery charging circuit and the boost circuit. When the charging is completed, the power supply is cut off automatically to realize the purpose of energy saving.





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