
技术编号:8928046 阅读:137 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:52

Radio frequency electronic switch

The utility model discloses a RF electronic switch, including input and output, the first control terminal, second control terminal input end in series; a first capacitor, diode, the first positive PIN second capacitor, a third capacitor, a fourth capacitor diode reverse second PIN, and the output end; the first end of the first resistor are connected in series and control the first third PIN diodes, inductors, reverse, the public node of the first inductor and third PIN diode of the public node and the second capacitor and the third capacitor short circuit; second control terminal is divided into two paths, one path in sequence second series resistance and a second inductor, the common node is connected to first PIN diodes and second capacitors, the other way in series third, third resistor inductor, and common node is connected to second PIN diodes and third capacitors; the first capacitor and the first diode PIN male A common node is connected to the ground with a fourth inductor, and a common node of the fourth capacitor and a PIN diode is connected to the ground by a fifth inductor.





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