
技术编号:6090752 阅读:184 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Radio resource management method and wireless network controller

The invention discloses a wireless resource management method and RNC, including: the network information acquired the current user terminal UE air separation state, the measurement information including uplink dedicated channel with different partitions corresponding to the received signal code power RSCP; a network side determines the threshold and the difference between the strongest RSCP strong RSCP less than the measurement information, and the difference is less than the threshold set duration exceeds a predetermined length of time to determine the strong RSCP corresponding to the partition for the target partition; the network side access UE resources with the partition belonging to the current UE empty, and to determine the ownership of the partition and isolation between the target partition does not meet the requirements of air separation the allocation of resources, adjustment. Before the invention changes its ownership of the UE partition in advance to make mobile will form the pre judgment and pretreatment of interference, avoid the mobile no longer satisfy the strong interference caused by air separation requirements, so as to ensure the normal and good perception of user services.


一种无线资源管理方法,其特征在于,包括:  网络侧获取当前用户终端UE空分状态时的测量信息,所述测量信息包括与不同分区对应的上行专用信道接收信号码功率RSCP;  网络侧确定测量信息中最强RSCP及次强RSCP的差值小于设定阈值,且该差值小于设定阈值的持续时间超过预定时长时,确定所述次强RSCP对应的分区为目标分区;  网络侧获取同当前UE空分资源的UE的归属分区,并确定所述归属分区与所述目标分区间的隔离度不满足空分要求时,调整资源分配。



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