
技术编号:6087496 阅读:305 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Routing information acquisition method and network device

The invention provides a routing information acquisition method and a network device. The method includes: the IP? IGP routing information in RIB preferred introduced BGP? RIB; receiving BGP routing information; according to the agreement in the routing rules, first select a IGP BGP routing information and routing information is introduced from the BGP routing information in the received with the same destination; the first BGP routing information is sent to the IPRIB. Routing information acquisition method of the present invention and network equipment, by changing the existing BGP routing process, solve the BGP protocol than IGP routing information in the configuration of BGP routing information protocol priority, BGP routing information and IGP routing information in different order makes the routing result of different problems.


1.一种路由信息获取方法,其特征在于,包括:将协议间路由信息库IP RIB中优选的内部网关协议IGP路由信息引入边界网关协议路由信息库BGP RIB中;接收边界网关协议BGP路由信息;根据协议内选路规则,从所接收的BGP路由信息中选择一个与被引入的IGP路由信息具有相同目的地址的第一BGP路由信息;将所述第一BGP路由信息发送到所述IP RIB中。



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