
技术编号:6080424 阅读:223 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and apparatus for addressing

The embodiment of the invention relates to the field of wireless communication technology, in particular to a method and a device for addressing, so as to realize the BBU from the frame to address the BBU main frame in the BBU stacking technology. Including the method provided by the embodiment of the invention: BBU from the box environment exchange single plate through the BBU main frame of the clock in the main control board for BBU main frame in at least one single board address information; the BBU of each of the periphery from the box veneer veneer according to addressing the address information the main frame of BBU. Because the BBU from each peripheral frame in single board according to BBU from the box environment exchange single plate through the BBU main frame clock in the main control board address information obtained for addressing BBU board in the main frame, BBU frame from the addressing of BBU main frame BBU stack technology, so as to improve the the efficiency of BBU stack technology.





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