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技术编号:6073061 阅读:284 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Gradient array ultrasonic imaging guided ablation catheter

The invention discloses a gradient array ultrasonic imaging guided catheter ablation catheter, including: body, gradient array ultrasonic imaging transducer, circular balloon, ultrasonic therapy transducer and an inner tube, wherein the catheter body is a hollow tubular structure; the inner tube is positioned in the pipe body; the gradient array ultrasonic imaging transducer fixed in the front end of the catheter body, and by the integration of the forward part and transition part and lateral part. Compared with the X - ray guidance, the ablation catheter can not only reduce the radiation harm to patients and doctors at boot time; and during the operation or after the operation, can also be used for ultrasonic image monitoring using gradient array ultrasonic imaging transducer, the doctor can make a more intuitive understanding of the anatomical structure of target area and the surrounding vessels and the organization, and can real-time monitoring of ablation lesions before and after ablation of anatomical information to determine the final ablation effect.





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