
技术编号:6053903 阅读:263 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Expandable thoracic access

The present invention relates to a scalable thoracic inlet, and provides an operation into the assembly, the assembly includes the operation into the relative to each other in a relative relationship between the layout of the first wing and the second wing. Each wing includes a main body portion, and a distal portion of the first part and the second part. The side wall section to make each wing body hinged on each other at the first and second parts of the wings. Each side wall segment can be compared to the other side wall segment moves between a first position and a second position in the second position, each side wall section and the first wing and the second wing angle. The first wing and the second wing can move between the close position and spaced locations, said first position close to the position corresponding to the side wall sections, the separated position corresponding to the side wall section of the second position.





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