
技术编号:6051485 阅读:225 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Mobile broadband device and method for managing mobile broadband device

The invention discloses a mobile broadband device and a method for managing a mobile broadband device. The mobile broadband device includes the Web protocol stack module, the Web interface module and the Web service implementation module. The method includes: Web interface module through the Web protocol stack module receives the user sends in the host side device Web management page management commands, including Web management page by the Web interface module; Web interface module through the Web protocol stack module forwards the management commands to Web service module; module receives a management command Web business, and call the corresponding command and management application programming interface to execute management commands. Using the method of mobile broadband mobile broadband management equipment and apparatus of the present invention, can make the host side device only through the Internet browser in Web mobile broadband equipment management, without the need for the client, which can completely solve the problem of cross platform client support, and has the advantages of free installation, easy development and low cost.





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