
技术编号:6049567 阅读:396 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

With capacitive sense In-Ear Earphones measuring function

The invention relates to a sense of In-Ear Earphones with capacitive sensing function, which comprises a shell, a loudspeaker, a circuit board and a capacitive sensing unit shell is provided with an extending pipe and an accommodating portion is provided with a sleeve extending sleeve, accommodating part for accommodating Yang the sound device, a circuit board and a capacitive sensing unit and loudspeaker sound toward the extension tube, the circuit board is electrically connected to the speaker, which is provided with a sensing chip, the capacitive sensing unit comprises a sensor and a conductive piece, and the sensor is conducted by a electrically connected to the sensing chip; when the shell extension tube is inserted into the ear canal to the user when the sensor is through the conductive piece return a sensing signal to the sensing chip, and the sensing chip can be based on the sense of change in capacitance measurement signal to a control signal to control the young Sound output of an acoustic device.





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