
技术编号:6047772 阅读:239 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Wavelength division multiplexed optical transceiver

The utility model discloses a WDM optical transceiver, including two light cilia tubes, a first collimating lens and a filter and a second collimating lens, optical signal through the filter only allows the wavelength within a specified range. The optical signal input from the double optical fiber capillary A side after the first collimating lens after arriving in the filter part of the wavelength of the optical signal from the filter through the scope not reflected back after the first filter is a collimating lens convergence of the B output from the double fiber capillary, can be part of optical signal through the filter after the second collimating lens together output. After the light signal of the second collimating lens reaches the filter, the wavelength range of the optical signal belongs to the partial optical signal that can pass through the filter, and is output from the double fiber capillary B after the converging of the first collimating lens. The direction of the optical signal can be reversed.





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