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技术编号:6043534 阅读:180 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

An intelligent home system

An intelligent Home Furnishing system, including a matrix composed of AV control module and intelligent gateway intelligent Home Furnishing host; a plurality of through 5 UTP and Home Furnishing host connected regional intelligent terminal module; control module of different bus types and a plurality of terminal modules connected and controlled device connected with the control module; a plurality of connection and intelligent Home Furnishing host DVD, set-top box, camera, MP3 or other audio and video equipment. The audio and video signals of the above audio and video equipment are transmitted through the AV matrix switching and signal modulation, and transmitted through the 5 types of twisted pair wires. The invention adopts the integrated design of four functions, such as integrated intelligent control, video sharing, background music and security monitoring, the system is simple and reliable in design, superior in performance and strong in compatibility.





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