
技术编号:4175816 阅读:180 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for generating code expanded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing signal

The present invention provides a method, a code spread orthogonal frequency division multiplexing signal includes: Send a signal to the distribution of N: block dimensional resource block, according to the channel conditions experienced by each resource block, determine the modulation method applicable to the resource block and spread factor; then encoding the bit stream conversion N: block a bit block, each block of bits by encoding the bit stream is not adjacent to the bit after change, its size is determined by the modulation method and the corresponding resource block code expansion factor; according to the modulation method before, modulation of each bit block respectively, generate the corresponding symbol block each symbol, the block size for the spread factor determined before; for each block of symbols were generated: N transform, block modulation signal blocks; the modulation The signal block is mapped to the resource block in turn, and the IFFT transform is used to generate the time domain transmitted signal waveform. The invention effectively combines interleaver and code expansion OFDMA, so that the wireless communication system can effectively combat multipath fading channel environment.


一种码扩正交频分复用信号的产生方法,其特征在于,包含以下步骤: a.给发送信号分配Nblock个二维资源块,每个资源块由频域上的一个或多个子载波和时域上的一个或多个OFDMA符号构成;根据每个资源块所经历的信道条件,确定适用于该资源块 的调制方法和码扩因子,所述码扩因子为步骤c中调制后生成的符号块的大小; b.对于步骤a中的第i个资源块,从信道编码后的编码比特流中抽取不相邻的比特构成一个比特集合,该集合经转换后生成第i个比特块,该比特块的大小由对应资源块的调制方法和 码扩因子决定,i=1,2…N↓[block]; c.根据步骤a中确定的调制方法,对每个比特块分别进行调制,生成对应的N↓[block]个符号块,每个符号块的大小为步骤a中确定的码扩因子; d.对每个符号块分别进行变换,产生N↓[ block]个调制信号块; e.将步骤d产生的第i个调制信号块映射到步骤a中所述的第i个资源块上,i=1,2…N↓[block]; f.对映射后产生的频域信号进行IFFT变换,生成时域发送信号波形。



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