
技术编号:4173981 阅读:456 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Recoverable soft soil support prestressed anchor rope and construction method thereof

The invention discloses a Recyclable soft soil nailing prestressed anchor and its construction method, which comprises: an anchor plate, steel wire, anchor end lock, bearing plate, the anchor plate is circular, the side along the circumference are provided with a plurality of bearing plate, the center is provided with a wire hole, grouting hole; anchor end lock as the hole is fixedly arranged on the tubular strand anchor plate on one side of the bearing plate; plasma phyllodes are connected by a hinge and anchor board; hinge are arranged on both sides of the anchor plate is fixedly connected with the limiting plate; steel wire strand through hole and fixedly arranged on the anchor plate anchor end lock crimp. Construction methods include pit excavation and hole formation, placing anchor cables, locking anchor cables, and recovering steel strands. The invention has the advantages of simple structure, convenient construction, compared with the prior art has no supporting structure in foundation pit excavation, convenient, no underground obstacles and construction problems of the red line, but also the support of anchor Recyclable utilization, project progress quickly, the advantages of high working efficiency.





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