
技术编号:4172666 阅读:267 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Authentication method, system, client device and server

The invention discloses an authentication method, a system, a client device and a server, belonging to the field of communication. The method includes: receiving a first communication second communication connection request, sends the public key to the first communication side; receiving the first communication send the user information, the user information comprises a first communication based on the first authentication information and the second party secret sharing and communication the public key generation; secret sharing in local search stored in the first communication side, according to the second generation public key authentication information sharing secret and their own judgment; the second authentication information and the first authentication information is consistent, if it is confirmed, the first communication side legitimate. The system comprises a first communication side and a second communication party. By comparing authentication information, the invention can confirm whether the identity of the first communication party is legitimate and effectively defend the middleman attack.


一种认证方法,其特征在于,所述方法包括:    第二通信方接收第一通信方的连接请求,将自身的公钥发送给所述第一通信方;    接收所述第一通信方发送的用户信息,所述用户信息包括所述第一通信方根据与所述第二通信方的共享秘密和所述公钥生成的第一认证信息;    在本地获取与所述第一通信方的共享秘密,根据与所述第一通信方的共享秘密和自身的公钥生成第二认证信息;    判断所述第二认证信息和所述第一认证信息是否一致,如果是,确认所述第一通信方合法。



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