
技术编号:4154970 阅读:275 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Device and system for monitoring and displaying normal running state of nuclear power station unit

The invention relates to a nuclear power station unit normal operation state display device and monitoring system, the nuclear power group has a variety of operating mode, in the display device, according to an operation mode, introducing a monitoring module; the monitoring module includes a display at the same time the four single element: trend tracking unit, numerical display unit, unit equipment condition and accident condition indicating unit. The technical scheme of the invention to the reactor operation as the dominant mode of monitoring system design, according to the change of nuclear power unit normal operation state, of a work mode, need regular, cross system monitoring analysis, will focus on monitoring equipment parameters and unified monitoring module through the display device to show. The whole state of convenient monitoring and operation of nuclear power units, DCS (digital control system) to overcome the shortcomings in the intuitive aspects, give full play to the superiority of the DCS control room, to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power plant.





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