
技术编号:3034341 阅读:293 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

CRT display mainboard communication connection line circuit

The utility model relates to a CRT display board communication connection printed circuit, CRT display with the motherboard and video board, and is the single PCB (printed circuit board) of the analog circuit, and is arranged between each other through socket on the motherboard wiring and connecting cables connected to the motherboard MICOM (microprocessor) and video signal board amplifier chip to realize the data communication, clock signal; which is characterized in that the video board is provided with a socket, two connecting cable connection IICDATA (data signal) and IICCLK (clock signal) circuit, and are respectively connected with the output end of the microprocessor socket is arranged beside the motherboard socket; corresponding video board is provided with a connecting cable, a separate microprocessor motherboard wiring connection socket, and is arranged in parallel line field output circuit is connected with the line field Processing chip wiring. The circuit has the advantages of reasonable design, simple layout, avoiding signal interference, safe and reliable performance, extending the wiring space of each circuit of the mainboard, and effectively improving the video effect of the display.





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