
技术编号:2774060 阅读:224 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for switching control equipment

The present invention provides a method and a device for controlling the switching device, the method comprises the following steps: A. in the control device to switch on and switch equipment set up the controlled target device corresponding to the B.; according to the current control device to switch to the current switch equipment equipment, intermediate device and target device were required to execute the the function of the target device in the process of the definition of a set of control signals. The method of the invention can greatly simplify the operation program when switching the controlled equipment in the multi device environment, and realize the combination control of one button and a plurality of devices.


一种控制设备切换的方法,其特征在于,所述的方法包括如下步骤:a、在控制设备切换的控制装置上设立与各被控目标设备相对应的设备切换键;b、根据当前控制设备切换到目标设备的过程中当前设备、中间设备和目标设备分别需要执行的功能对所述 的设备切换键定义一组控制信号。



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