
技术编号:21375961 阅读:65 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-15 12:45

Frequency-domain resource allocation methods, devices and systems

The present application provides a frequency domain resource allocation method, apparatus and system, which includes: receiving the first indication information sent by the network device at the terminal, indicating the first frequency domain resource at the first indication information, determining the size of the first target frequency domain resource that can be used for upstream traffic transmission, and determining the first frequency domain resource from the first frequency domain resource according to the size of the first target frequency domain resource. The size of the second frequency domain resource is equal to that of the first target frequency domain resource, and according to the second frequency domain resource, the upstream traffic is transmitted to the network device. Because the first frequency domain resource is indicated by the network equipment to the terminal, it is no longer fixed. Therefore, the terminal can determine the appropriate frequency domain resource to send the upstream service from the variable first frequency domain resource, which reduces the collision probability, reduces the delay and saves the network resources.





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