
技术编号:21342367 阅读:80 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-13 22:06

A Driving Method and Terminal of Linear Motor

A driving method and terminal of a linear motor are used to accurately obtain the resonant frequency of the linear motor. The driving signal with the resonant frequency is used to drive the linear motor to enhance the vibration intensity of the linear motor. The terminal includes a processor for generating the first excitation signal and outputting the first excitation signal to the signal amplification circuit; a signal amplification circuit is connected with the processor for amplifying the first set multiple of the first excitation signal to obtain the second excitation signal and outputting the second excitation signal to the linear motor; and a linear motor is connected with the signal amplification circuit for adopting the second excitation signal. The detection circuit is connected with a linear motor to obtain the frequency of the first sinusoidal wave signal. The frequency of the first sinusoidal wave signal is the resonant frequency of the linear motor. The processor is also used to generate the driving signal with the resonant frequency, and the driving signal is used to drive the linear motor.





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