
技术编号:21313216 阅读:41 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-12 12:30

Transmission Method, Terminal Equipment and Base Station of Physical Downlink Control Channel

The invention relates to a transmission method of a physical downlink control channel, a terminal device and a base station, which includes: receiving a first message from a base station by a terminal device; determining at least one of the transmission mode information and transmission time type according to the first message; and determining the resource information of the first downlink control information DCI according to at least one of the transmission mode information and transmission time type. Through the transmission method of the physical downlink control channel provided by the embodiment of the present invention, the terminal device determines to receive the resource information of the first DCI by the first information received from the base station, and realizes the flexible configuration of different transmission mode information, i.e. the downlink transmission time structure. At the same time, the downlink transmission time-length structure crosses the slot boundary and is consistent with the upstream structure, which facilitates the reuse of downlink transmission time-length structure and improves the flexibility and applicability of downlink scheduling.





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