
技术编号:21313153 阅读:20 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-12 12:28

Method and device of safety treatment

The embodiment of this application discloses a method and device for security processing in order to reduce the failure of PDCP layer security processing. This method is used at the receiving end. The first entity of the receiving end maintains the first serial number and sends a PDCP packet to the PDCP entity of the packet data aggregation protocol. The value of the first serial number increases. The method includes: the first entity receives the data packet and parses it into a PDCP packet; the first entity sends the PDCP packet and the first serial number to the PDCP entity, in which the number of PDCP is increased. Packets include PDCP serial numbers, the length of the first serial number is longer than that of the PDCP serial number, and the first serial number is used to adjust the parameter COUNT when there is a missing PDCP packet in the PDCP packet sent by the first entity to the PDCP entity. The parameter COUNT is used for security processing.





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