
技术编号:21313092 阅读:30 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-12 12:27

Image Processing Method and Terminal Equipment

The present application provides an image processing method and a terminal device, which includes: acquiring at least one first image and at least one second image alternately and continuously output by a camera sensor; where the resolution of the first image is the same as that corresponding to the current photographing mode, and the resolution of the first image is N times the resolution of the second image and N is an integer greater than 1; The image head sensor uses the first exposure parameter to output the first image of each frame, and the camera sensor uses the second exposure parameter to output the second image of each frame. The first exposure parameter is larger than the second exposure parameter. According to at least one first image and at least one second image, image fusion is carried out to obtain the fused image. The image processing method and terminal device provided in this application can improve the photographic effect of the terminal device under low illumination and improve the user experience.





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