
技术编号:21208521 阅读:33 留言:0更新日期:2019-05-25 03:57
一种数据传输方法及其装置,该方法包括:用户设备接收控制用户面网元发送的第一消息,第一消息包括第一服务质量标识NQI与第一反射服务质量标识RQI的对应关系;用户设备获取用户面网元发送的第二消息;若第二消息不携带第二反射服务质量标识RQI,则用户设备根据第一NQI与所述第一RQI的对应关系,以及第二消息生成第一服务质量规则;其中,第二RQI用于指示用户设备激活反射服务质量RQ机制。通过该方法实现了基于Reflective QoS机制下,用户设备的上行数据传输。同时节省了传输资源。

A Method of Data Transmission and Its Device

A data transmission method and device include: the user equipment receives the first message sent by the control user surface element, the first message includes the corresponding relationship between the first quality of service identification NQI and the first reflective quality of service identification RQI; the user equipment obtains the second message sent by the user surface element; and if the second message does not carry the second reflective quality of service identification RQI, the user establishes a. According to the corresponding relationship between the first NQI and the first RQI, and the second message, a first quality of service rule is generated, in which the second RQI is used to instruct the user device to activate the reflective quality of service RQ mechanism. Through this method, the upstream data transmission of user equipment based on Reflective QoS mechanism is realized. At the same time, the transmission resources are saved.





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