
技术编号:21179360 阅读:16 留言:0更新日期:2019-05-22 12:53

Message Feedback Method and Device for Carrier Aggregation

The embodiment of the present invention provides a message feedback method and device for carrier aggregation, which includes: a terminal receives a packet transmitted by a base station in the first downlink subframe of a carrier aggregation combination, wherein the carrier aggregation combination includes a first carrier and a second carrier; a subframe configuration according to the carrier aggregation combination, and a subframe configuration and timing mapping of the carrier aggregation combination. The first timing is determined by the transmission relationship; the first upstream subframe is determined in the subframe of the carrier aggregation combination according to the first timing; and the feedback message is sent to the base station on the first upstream subframe. The first upstream subframe is determined to send feedback message in the whole carrier combination, and the range of selection is wider, so that the feedback message can be sent by the nearer subframe, which effectively improves the feedback efficiency.





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