
技术编号:21179061 阅读:30 留言:0更新日期:2019-05-22 12:48

A Data Transfer Optimizing Method, Terminal and Network Equipment

A data transmission optimization method, terminal and network equipment is proposed to improve the quality of service when the terminal moves to the edge of the cell. The terminal determines the segment to be optimized that moves along the trajectory path included in the trajectory context and reaches the trajectory path, in which the trajectory context is pre-generated by the terminal and includes the trajectory path and the segment to be optimized on the trajectory path through which the terminal moves in the historical time. When the terminal moves within the segment to be optimized, the values of the predefined measurement amount conform to the predefined values. The measurement includes at least one of signal quality, upstream throughput and downstream throughput; the terminal transmits data transmission optimization instructions to the network device, which are used to instruct the network device to perform data transmission optimization processing operations, which include adjusting the resources of the terminal. Allocation strategy.





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