
技术编号:21179050 阅读:33 留言:0更新日期:2019-05-22 12:48

A Method, Device and System for Supporting Data Transmission

The embodiment of the present invention provides a method for supporting data transmission. By setting RRC layer in the protocol stack of the second wireless access network device, the data transmission between the second wireless access network device and the terminal device can use the RRC layer configuration of the second wireless access network device and the data transmission channel between the terminal device and the second wireless access network device, thereby enabling the terminal device to be one of the second wireless access network devices. The data transmission between the two devices does not need to be forwarded through the first wireless access network, that is, the first wireless access network device need not be changed, and the data transmission between the second wireless access network device and the terminal device can be carried out directly. This communication mode ensures the continuity of data processing flow of terminal equipment and improves the efficiency of work.





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