
技术编号:20929646 阅读:50 留言:0更新日期:2019-04-20 12:39

A Method, Receiving Device and Transmitting Device for Configuring PDCP Entities

This application discloses a method, a receiving device and a transmitting device for configuring the entity of the packet data aggregation protocol (PDCP). The method includes: the receiving end receives the sequence number (SN) indication information sent by the first sender, and the SN indication information is used to indicate the SN of the last data protocol unit (PDU) sent by the first sender to the receiving end using the first SN length; and the receiving end receives the SN carried by the receiving end. In PDU, the PDCP entity of the receiving end is reconfigured so that the receiving end can receive the PDU sent by the first sender using the second SN length or the PDU sent by the second sender using the second SN length through the reconfigured PDCP entity. Since the receiving end reconfigures the PDCP entity of the receiving end only when it receives the last PDU sent by the sender using the first SN length, it avoids the packet loss during the reconfiguration of the PDCP entity.





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