
技术编号:20628726 阅读:59 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-20 18:16

A Frame Loss Compensation Method and Equipment

A frame loss compensation method and device includes: receiving a voice stream sequence; acquiring historical frame information and future frame information in the voice stream sequence, in which the voice stream sequence includes frame information of multiple voice frames, which include at least one historical frame, at least one current frame and at least one future frame, and the at least one historical frame is located in the time domain. Before at least one current frame, at least one future frame is located after at least one current frame in the time domain, and the historical frame information is the frame information of the at least one historical frame, and the future frame information is the frame information of the at least one future frame. Based on the historical frame information and the future frame information, the frame information of the at least one current frame is estimated to improve the accuracy of frame loss compensation.





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