
技术编号:20597195 阅读:22 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:46

An Interframe Prediction Method and Device for Image Coding and Decoding

This application discloses an image encoding and decoding method and device for inter-prediction. The decoding method is to determine the predicted motion information of the first decoding block, to obtain the first decoded prediction block by bidirectional prediction of the first decoding block according to the predicted motion information, and to search the predicted reference image block with the first precision, to obtain at least one second decoded prediction block and the search of motion search. The position is determined by the motion vector prediction value and the first accuracy; the difference between the first decoded prediction block and each second decoded prediction block is calculated to obtain the target motion vector prediction value of the first decoded block, and the motion vector prediction value of the target is updated by motion search, which improves the motion accuracy of inter-frame prediction.





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