
技术编号:20597133 阅读:29 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:42

USB Connector with Double Shielding Layer

The invention provides a USB suspension design method with low electromagnetic interference, especially in the case that the distance between the pin of the USB interface of the terminal device and the metal shell is getting smaller and smaller, a connection line with the first shield layer and the second shield layer is used to connect the first plug and the second plug, where the first shield layer and the second shield layer are overlapping and without electrical connection, and the first shield layer is used to connect the first plug and One end is connected to the metal housing of the first plug, the other end is suspended, one end of the second shielding layer is connected to the metal housing of the second plug, and the other end is suspended. In addition, the metal housing of the first socket and the metal housing of the second socket can be connected to the housing of the terminal device or the adapter housing by capacitive devices. It is beneficial for terminal equipment to reduce the risk of short circuit and radiation.





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