
技术编号:20597108 阅读:33 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:41

A Method for Terminal, Base Station and Channel Information Acquisition

This application relates to the field of mobile communication, in particular to the technology of acquiring channel state information in a wireless communication system. In a channel information acquisition method, the base station obtains the channel state matrix information of part of the channel from the upstream reference information transmitted by the terminal and part of the channel state information of the channel between the base station and the terminal reported by the terminal to obtain the channel state matrix information of the channel between the base station and the terminal. By this method, more complete channel state matrix information between base station and terminal can be obtained, which is helpful for base station to select appropriate parameters to transmit data to terminal without additional delay, performance loss, cost increase or consumption of time-frequency resources for upstream reference signal.





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