
技术编号:20597014 阅读:25 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:35

A Data Transmission Method and Device

A data transmission method and device for a multi-carrier communication system comprising a first member carrier and a second member carrier, in which the first member carrier is used for both downlink transmission of the terminal and upstream transmission of the terminal, and the second member carrier is a single downlink member carrier for downlink transmission of the terminal, including: the first base station determines the first 10%. The antenna weight of the member carrier on the antenna used by the second member carrier, in which the first base station is the base station where the second member carrier is located; when the channel similarity of the first member carrier and the second member carrier meets the preset requirements, the antenna weight is used to weigh the downlink data of the terminal on the second member carrier; and the weighted downlink data is transmitted to the terminal, thus, It can improve the demodulation signal-to-noise ratio and throughput of terminals in multi-carrier scenarios.





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