
技术编号:20597012 阅读:25 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:35

A Downlink Data Frame Transmission Method and Equipment

An embodiment of the present invention provides a downlink data frame transmission method for a passive optical network PON system, which includes: OLT device generates downlink data frames, the downlink data frames include frame headers and payloads, the frame headers include physical synchronization sequence Psync fields, and the Psync fields are used to identify the downlink data frames, in which the value of the Psync fields is the first value. When the Psync field is used to indicate that the payload data is protected by forward error correction FEC, and when the value of the Psync field is the second value, the Psync field is also used to indicate that the payload data is not protected by FEC; the OLT device transmits the downlink data frame. The embodiment of the invention can reduce the bit error rate of the FEC indicating state and improve the reliability of the FEC indicating state.





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