
技术编号:20596972 阅读:24 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:33

An antenna system, terminal equipment, antenna switching control method and device

The embodiment of the present invention discloses an antenna system, terminal equipment, antenna switching control method and device, which relates to the antenna technology field, in order to reduce the power reduction requirement of the head mode electromagnetic wave absorption ratio after the main antenna is cut up and solve the problem of death grip. The antenna system includes at least a bottom antenna group located at the bottom of the terminal equipment, including the first bottom antenna and the second bottom antenna; in the first working state, the first bottom antenna acts as the master antenna and the second bottom antenna acts as the diversity antenna; in the second working state, the first bottom antenna acts as the diversity antenna and the second bottom antenna acts as the master antenna. The scheme provided by the embodiment of the present invention is suitable for antenna switching of an antenna system.





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