
技术编号:20500768 阅读:90 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-03 04:33

Uplink Data Transmission Method, RHUB and BBU

This application provides an upstream data transmission method, RHUB and BBU. The RHUB obtains the reception time of the upstream data transmitted from the first PRRU. When the reception time is located at the transmission time interval TTI corresponding to the group identification of the PRRU group to which the first PRRU belongs, the RHUB reports the upstream data to the corresponding baseband processing unit BBU, where the coverage is adjacent and belongs to the corresponding baseband processing unit BBU. The group identity of PRRU group in different cell corresponds to different TTI. Using the upstream data transmission method, RHUB and BBU provided in the embodiment of this application, PRRU with adjacent coverage and belonging to different cells can transmit upstream data in different TTI, thus avoiding interference between adjacent cells, reducing average interference elevation between adjacent cells, improving SINR and improving cell throughput.





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